Written Instructions for ToeTape Bunion Application

Step 1 ) What You'll Need

1 Long Strip

1 Short Strip

Step 2 ) Pre-Application Tips

Apply to Clean & Dry skin

After application rub the tape in for best adhesion

Wear ToeTape through the night

Apply new tape every 24 hours

Apply a second application if more realignment pull is needed

Step 3 ) Tearing Paper

Twist to tear the white paper backing; on the long strip 1-2 inches from the end & in the center of the wide strip.

Step 4) Long Strip Application

Adhere the first 1-2 inches of the long strip to the tip of the big toe with no stretch. (This can be across the tip of the toe or just down the side)

Manually manipulate the toe towards proper alignment, and
with a moderate stretch, apply the long strip along the inside of the foot towards the heel.

Apply the last 1-2 inches of the long strip with no stretch to the back of the foot or around the heel.

Step 5 ) Wide Strip Application

Remove the paper backing, stretch the wide strip, and apply the center of the tape to the side of the toe joint where it meets the foot.

With a moderate stretch, lift the toes up and apply the tape
across the bottom of the foot, applying the last 1-2 inches with no stretch.

With a moderate stretch, point the toes down and apply the
tape across the top of the foot, applying the last 1-2 inches with no stretch.

Step 6 ) Second Application/Rubbing in

Apply a second application in the same way as the first, if more
realignment pull is needed.

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What Else can You do to Help Your Bunion?

Stretching & Strengthening

Stretching & Strengthening

Watch Video on YouTube

Watch Dr Tom go through stretches and exercises you can do at home to help alleviate bunion pain.

Propper Shoe Selection

Propper Shoe Selection

Watch Video on YouTube

Watch Dr. Tom go over what to look for in shoes to help alleviate pain from bunions.

Arch Support

Arch Support

Watch Video on YouTube

Watch Dr. Tom explain the effect that proper arch support can have on bunions by creating a more stable foot and preventing the knee from drooping inward and causing stress on the big toe joint.

Other Instruction Videos for Kinesiology Tape on Bunions

KT Tape Instructional Video Strength Tape Instructional Video RockTape Instructional Video

Academic Studies of Kinesiology Tape as a Treatment for Bunions:

50% Straighter Toes in 3 Months + Pain-Free Walking

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Effects of balance taping using kinesiology tape in a patient with moderate hallux valgus

Results: On the right side, the hallux valgus angle (HVA) decreased from 21° to 14° and the intermetatarsal angle (IMA) decreased from 15° to 14.5°. On the left side, the HVA decreased from 22° to 11° and the IMA decreased from 15° to 12°. Furthermore, the patient was able to walk long distances in shoes without pain in the medial eminence of the hallux metatarsophalangeal joint.

Conclusion: This study suggested that repeated balance taping with kinesiology tape could be used as a complementary treatment method for moderate hallux valgus.

Lee SM, Lee JH. Effects of balance taping using kinesiology tape in a patient with moderate hallux valgus: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Nov;95(46):e5357. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000005357. PMID: 27861365; PMCID: PMC5120922.

Kinesiology Tape vs Conventional Tape

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Conventional Tape versus Kinesiotape for Hallux Valgus Correction

Conclusion: Hallux Valgus (Bunion) deformity can be corrected by Kinesiology Tape or Conventional Tape application when combined with the exercise training program. So, this
approach may be considered as an effective and safe conservative approach for patients with mild to moderate HV.

Nadia Lotfy Radwan1*, Mervat Abdelrahman Mohamed2, Abeer Ramadan Ibrahim3
1 Lecturer, Biomechanics Department, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt
2Assistant consultant of Physical Therapy, National Heart Institute, Egypt
3 Lecturer, Basic Sciences Department, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt

Less pain, Less disability, More ranged of motion

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The Influence of Short-Term Kinesiology Taping on Foot Anthropometry and Pain in Patients Suffering from Hallux Valgus

Conclusion: Kinesiology taping is a technique that is able to effectively reduce pain symptoms and change the position of the big toe in patients suffering from HV. The application of the taping on the big toe proves to the patient that the correction in the position of the big toe has a positive effect on the everyday functioning of the foot and on the reduction of pain. Therefore, those patients who for some reason do not want or cannot undergo HV corrective surgery can benefit from this conservative treatment option and thus improve the quality of their lives.

Złobi´ nski, T.; Stolecka-Warzecha, A.; Hartman-Petrycka, M.; Bło´ nska-Fajfrowska, B. The Influence of Short-Term Kinesiology Taping on Foot Anthropometry and Pain in Patients Suffering from Hallux Valgus. Medicina 2021, 57, 313. https://doi.org/10.3390/medicina57040313

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